Childhood Influenza Vaccine Recommendations, Flu Vaccination Recommendations for Children, Influenza Prevention for Children, Influenza Risk, Flu Risk

Influenza Vaccine Safety

Vaccines are safe and effective. Of course, as with all medications, vaccines may be associated with some mild, short-term side effects. Please click on any of the links below to visit reputable Web sites that provide scientifically accurate information.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Vaccine Safety

Vaccine Information Statements: Inactivated Influenza Vaccine (2008-2009) and Live, Intranasal Influenza Vaccine (2008-2009)

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia: Vaccine Safety

Immunization Action Coalition: Vaccine Safety

PKIDs Online: Vaccine Safety

Every Child By Two: Vaccine Safety

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CIIC is made possible by an unrestricted educational grant to NFID from sanofi pasteur.

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