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Healthcare Professional Resources

Influenza vaccination is an important patient safety issue. Unvaccinated healthcare professionals can spread influenza to patients, coworkers, and family members, leading to influenza-related illnesses and deaths. This is particularly troublesome for the vulnerable patients in their care, who may be at increased risk of severe complications. For these reasons, it is imperative that all healthcare professionals receive an annual influenza vaccine.

The materials in this section support the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations, explain why vaccination for healthcare professionals plays a critical role in protecting patients from the influenza virus, and include tools for healthcare professional outreach.

As a healthcare professional, it is up to you to start the “influenza” dialogue regarding annual influenza vaccination recommendations. It is your duty to provide parents and caregivers with the information they need to make an informed choice – the choice to have their children vaccinated against the leading cause of vaccine-preventable death in the US. It is also important to set an example to parents by getting vaccinated yourself and making sure that your office staff is vaccinated each year.

Patients look to their healthcare professional as a trusted source of information. The resources below will help you reach patients and their caregivers.

Healthcare Professionals' Influenza Vaccination Commitment

We urge healthcare professionals to make their support of influenza vaccination known by displaying this statement in their practices and on their websites. Two statements are available, one for display where vaccination is offered; the other for display where vaccination is not offered but is strongly encouraged.

  Healthcare Professionals’ Influenza Vaccination Commitment for Vaccinating Practices
  Healthcare Professionals’ Influenza Vaccination Commitment for Non-Vaccinating Practices


Healthcare Professional Resources


Fact Sheet for Healthcare Professionals

Health E-card

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): E-card that can be sent to pregnant women reminding them to getting vaccinated against the flu

Healthcare Professionals' Guide for Speaking with Parents

Responses to common questions parents may have about influenza vaccination

Healthcare Professionals' Poster

Facts about influenza and the importance of annual vaccination for healthcare professionals

NFID Conferences and Courses

National Foundation for Infectious Diseases live professional development

NFID Online Continuing Education

National Foundation for Infectious Diseases online professional development (including complimentary webinars)

On-Hold Reminder Scripts

Sample on-hold messages to remind patients about the importance of influenza vaccination

Seasonal Influenza Resources for School Nurses

National Association of School Nurses (NASN): School nurses play a key role in getting the word out about influenza vaccination. Stay informed with resources tailored for healthcare professionals who work in schools

Second Dose Reminder Script

Sample scripts and suggestions to help providers talk about the number of influenza doses required and remind parents to bring their child back for a second dose as necessary

Template Reminder Letter/eMail (to Healthcare Professionals)

Customizable letter for healthcare professionals to send patients reminding them to get vaccinated

Template Reminder Postcard

Customizable postcard to remind patients to make an appointment to get vaccinated

Template Waiting Room Article

Customizable article for healthcare professionals to use in their office to provide parents with information about influenza and the importance of vaccination for their children

The Joint Commission Offers Seasonal Influenza Immunization Strategies (2009)

Voicemail Reminder Scripts

Sample outgoing voicemail messages reminding patients about the importance of annual influenza vaccination

Waiting Room Poster

Poster for use in waiting rooms with facts about influenza and vaccination